Hall Pass- Wife Swap Fantasies Read online

Page 3

  By Corey.

  “Ah, I see you’ve found it.”

  Naomi whirled at the sound of her husband’s voice. Corey wasn’t far behind her, standing in the doorway to the garage.

  “Very funny,” Naomi said, although it kind of wasn’t. She waved the card around before dropping it to the counter. “You’re having a joke at my—”

  “It’s not a joke,” Corey broke in.

  They stared at each other for a long moment. Neither of them said anything.

  “I’m serious,” her husband continued. He picked up the card and handed it back to her. “Take it. Use it. I want you to—”

  “—you want me to fuck other people,” said Naomi. “That’s what you want.”

  Corey shook his head. “No. Not other people.”

  She looked back at him.

  “I want you to fuck Julian.”

  Naomi’s stomach dropped. The name hung out there, a brick thrown through the window of the morning silence. It sent a wave of fear and panic through her body… but also, a shiver of uncontrollable excitement.


  “Look, I know how excited you were just kissing him the other night,” Corey continued, “and how totally fucking hot he got you. Why stop there? Why not enjoy yourself, and take things all the way?”

  Naomi stared down at the floor. She didn’t get it. She knew enough to realize her husband was being serious. At the same time, she had no idea why he’d feel this way.

  Suddenly he was standing before her, holding her hand. He moved one palm slowly up to her face. Gently caressed her cheek.

  “Baby I signed your hall pass because I want you to have fun. That’s all it is. It’s fun. It’s sex. It’s nothing more.”

  “It’s cheating,” Naomi lamented.

  Corey shook his head. “Not if we both know about it. Not if we both want it.” He turned her face upward, so that she was looking straight at him. “Answer me something. How many guys have you been with before me?”

  Naomi’s shoulders slumped. She knew what he was driving at. Naomi’s dating life was tame compared to most; it consisted of one very long-term boyfriend and a single one-night stand. Other than that, the only other person she’d been with was Corey.


  “Exactly,” her husband replied. “And how many women have I been with?”

  She knew that also. Like most couples, they’d discussed their sexual histories when they first started dating.


  “Thirty two,” Corey corrected her. “And that’s fine. It’s not a competition. It only means I’ve had the benefit of a lot of experience, and you haven’t. You got married before you could really date around.”

  Naomi shrugged. “So?”

  “So aren’t you curious?” he asked. “Don’t you sometimes wonder what it would be like with someone else?”

  She bit her lip. Of course she had. While she never resented Corey for having so much more sexual experience than she did, Naomi often fantasized about the things she might’ve missed out on. She was certainly no prude — not by any means — but her activities in the bedroom were limited by the imaginations of only a small handful of partners.

  It was something she secretly lamented every once in a while.

  “Wouldn’t it be exciting to be with Julian?” her husband went on. “And not just for three minutes… but to be able to do anything you wanted with him for a whole night?”

  Her mind spun. For a half-second, she could envision it. Using the hall pass. Leaving her driveway, to go off and screw someone else. Waving goodbye to her husband as he stood there on the porch…

  “Julian is out,” she said. “He’s married. And in case you don’t remember, Melissa is my friend.”

  In the back of Naomi’s mind, it occurred to her that she hadn’t actually refused. She’d refused conditionally, based on the person, but not the act of using the hall pass itself.

  “Julian is in,” said Corey. “He wants to do it.”

  Naomi felt her belly tighten. There was suddenly a lump her her throat.

  “H—He what?”

  “He wants you,” Corey said simply. “We’ve talked about it a lot, and I told him he could have you. That I’d sign your hall pass.”

  “But what about—”

  “Melissa?” Corey’s face softened into a placating smile. “Baby, she’s all for it too. Julian and Melissa have had an open marriage for years now.”

  The lump in Naomi’s throat felt like a softball. Like it would cut off her oxygen. Make it impossible to breathe…

  Julian… Melissa… an open marriage?

  The whole concept was utterly astonishing. In a million years, she couldn’t wrap her head around it.

  And she’s actually into it?

  “Look,” said Corey. “I know it all sounds crazy. And I know it’s a lot to process.” He smiled gently. “But hey, think about it. It’s only sex. It’s only one night. And it’s going to be hot. Really, really hot. For you… for Julian… hell, even for Melissa and myself.”

  Naomi blinked. Another thought struck her dead on.

  “Y—You’d want to fuck Melissa, too?”

  At this Corey sighed. “Well, sure — who wouldn’t? Melissa is hot. Very sexy.” He took her hand again. “But to answer your question, no. That’s not part of the deal. It’s not a requirement of you having fun. Melissa and I are content to sit at home, turned on just knowing what the two of you are doing together.” Naomi noticed a gleam in her husband’s eye that wasn’t there a minute ago. “That, plus we’re the lucky ones who get to jump you the second you come home.”

  She tried to swallow. It was impossible. She felt nervous. Frightened. But also…

  Also thrilled.

  “T—This would turn you on?”

  Corey leaned in and kissed her softly. His touch was tender, his voice low.

  “Did it turn you on watching me kiss Melissa?”

  Naomi thought about it. In a really strange way, the truth was it sort of did.

  She nodded. “I… I think maybe. Yeah.”

  “Then think about it,” he whispered into her ear. “One night, no rules. No distractions. Just you and Julian, touching each other. Fucking each other…” His emphasis on the word was raw and sexual. “You can stay out all night. Come home whenever you want.”

  Her husband’s hands slid down her back. She jumped when they cupped her ass and pulled her even closer.

  “He can use you,” Corey growled. “As much as he wants. However he wants. And when you come home…” His strong hands slid even lower, his fingers probing the very edge of her sex. “When you come home I’m going to stretch you out on our bed and fuck you senseless…” He kissed her neck. “Screw you slowly and lazily while you tell me all about it…”

  Between the kissing, the whispering… Naomi’s entire body was covered in goosebumps. Corey was practically holding her up. Her legs felt like jelly.

  “Julian’s picking you up later tonight,” he said. “Nine O’clock.”


  Naomi bolted upright. In half a second she went from total arousal to full-blown panic.


  Her husband nodded.

  “Julian’s coming here?”

  “To get you, yes,” said Corey.

  “And what if I say no?”

  Corey pulled back to look at her again, his eyes staring deeply into her soul. She saw love there. Admiration. The same things she always saw, husband to wife. The only difference was behind his eyes. There was a flash of light there now. A glimmer of unbridled excitement that even her normally in-control husband couldn’t contain.

  “If you say no, that’s it,” he told her honestly. “No hard feelings, no strangeness. We don’t ever have to do it, or even talk about it again.”

  Naomi let out a long breath of relief.

  “If it’s too weird for you, that’s totally okay,” Corey went on. “I just thought—”

  “No, it’s…” Naomi searched for just the right words. “It’s just that it’s all so fast.” She looked down at her hands. Thankfully they’d stopped shaking.


  “Yeah, I mean… well… it’s a lot to take in. Melissa and Julian — an open marriage. Wow. I never would’ve guessed.”

  Corey said nothing. He only listened.

  “And… well, tonight?”

  Her shock and surprise elicited a low chuckle from her husband. “I hear you,” he said. “I guess after playing that game, I didn’t want the window of opportunity to close. You were so hot in that closet. And when we were in bed… afterward? I just—”

  “Tonight,” Naomi interrupted. She turned the word over in her mouth a few times, repeating it. “Tonight. Tonight…”

  Corey nodded. “Only if you want to.”

  The lump in her throat had gone down some, but the feeling in her stomach was still there. It was the nervous excitement of a first date. Of a really important job interview…

  “Where would he take me?” she found herself saying.

  Holy shit, did you just ask that?

  The voice inside her head was so loud it startled her. Corey stared back at her, and Naomi thought she could see another flash of excitement in her husband’s eye. He pulled his phone from his pocket. “Want me to ask him?”

  “No, no…” Naomi shook her head quickly. “I mean…”

  You’re not seriously considering doing this, are you?

  The inner voice was familiar. It was the voice of reason, and Naomi had been listening to it her whole life. Most of the time she’d heeded it, and it had kept her out of a lot of trouble. Then again, there were times she’d listened to that voice and could remember missing out on whole bunch of fun stuff, too.


  She stopped. Stuttered.

  “Y—You’re sure you’re okay with this?”

  No no no! The voice was practically screaming. What are you—

  Corey pulled her close again. As he smiled down at her, she swore she could feel a lump pressing between them. “Very.”

  “I mean,” Naomi added, “there’s no going back. That’s it. Once we do this…”

  “Do you love me?” he asked suddenly.

  “Of course I do!”

  “Then we’re not really ‘doing’ anything,” said Corey. “It’s just sex, Naomi. That’s all it is. You’ll have fun… Julian will have fun… Melissa and I will have fun.” He kissed her cheek. “It’s only a hall pass,” he assured her. “Nothing more.”

  She picked up the pass again. Turned it over in her hands.

  “So it’s just a stupid piece of cardboard,” she chuckled. “Is that it?”

  “That stupid piece of cardboard is your ticket for a really awesome night,” laughed Corey.

  Naomi could no longer feel it — the tension in the room. Somehow it had been broken. Somehow, like always, her husband had made everything better. Made everything comfortable.

  She took out her own phone. “I’m gonna have to ask Melissa if this is okay,” she said. “Before I agree to any of this.”

  Corey shrugged. “Go for it.”

  “And if she says yes…”

  Her husband’s eyes bored into her own. He looked like a kid about to get the biggest Christmas gift ever.

  “And if she says yes?” he continued for her.

  Naomi swallowed and the lump finally went away.

  “If she says yes…” She took a long deep breath and let it out slowly. “Then you should probably help me decide what to wear.”


  Naomi shifted this way and that, checking herself out in the full-length mirror. Her long legs peeked out from under her short black dress. And beneath that…

  Beneath that she wore underwear that Corey had picked out himself. Black stockings, black garters, and the skimpiest pair of lace-trimmed, G-string panties she owned.

  This is insane, she thought to herself. Your husband… dressing you like a slut so you can go out and fuck somebody else.

  Yet it was happening. And it was happening in mere minutes.

  Naomi took a deep breath and thought about how she’d gotten here. Earlier in the day, her text conversation with Melissa had been short and sweet.

  You sure you’re totally okay with this? she’d asked her friend. It was an awkward question, considering. An awkward conversation to begin with! But she had to ask. Had to be sure.

  Melissa had replied right away:

  LOL, of course! Wow, I still can’t believe you’re game. Good for you!

  Naomi hadn’t known how to respond to that, so she’d just replied with a simple thanks.

  Have fun honey! Melissa had added. Oh, and one last thing… take it slow.

  Take it slow? That part had been a little confusing. What did she mean by slow? It wasn’t like they didn’t all know how the night would end up.

  Maybe Melissa realized she’d be nervous, and was advising her not to speed through it. That made sense. Going by the rules of the Hall Pass, she and Julian had all night. There was no reason to rush through anything.

  She’d taken the rest of the day to primp herself for her date. Naomi started with a hot bath, and shaved everything until it was baby-smooth. She applied oils and lotions, to make her skin soft and luxurious. She smelled and felt amazing. She brushed out her hair…

  Now that darkness had fallen, she diverted her attention back to the mirror. Naomi turned around, checking herself out from behind. Her ass looked fantastic in this dress. She knew it did. Even so…

  “That’s it,” said Corey. “That’s the one.”

  He was lying sideways on the bed, propped up on one elbow. Casually watching as she tried on an outfit that would, in all likelihood, end up in a crumpled heap on some bedroom floor.

  “You don’t think it’s too slutty?” she asked. “I mean, I want to be sexy, but I don’t want him to think I’m trying too hard.”

  It was the fifth outfit she’d tried on so far. As she debated a sixth, her husband stood up and embraced her from behind.

  “There’s no such thing as trying too hard,” he said. His arms folded themselves around her midsection. “You’re going out to fuck him, remember? The whole date is a sure thing.”

  She watched in the mirror as Corey dipped down to kiss her neck. His mouth was warm, his tongue swirling its way leisurely over her skin. Naomi sucked in a quick breath through clenched teeth. Her eyes closed…

  “You, uh… want a little taste before I go?” she asked.

  “Of what?”

  She took his hand and slid it lower, down over her belly. When it dropped beneath the hem of her skirt, Naomi pressed it up against her sex.

  “Of this.”

  Corey’s hand moved with gentle pressure, rubbing the top of her pussy in slow circles. Naomi could detect a distinct bulge pressed up against her ass now. She could also feel herself getting wet.

  All at once her husband stopped. He took his hand away.

  “As tempting as it is…” he sighed, “not right now. I think you should save it all for Julian.”

  Julian. Even the name was exotic. Naomi couldn’t stop herself from calling up the memory of kissing him, of his finger sliding ever-so-gently inside her. Her nipples went hard against the fabric of her dress.

  “You sure?” she said, turning to face her husband. They stood toe to toe, nose to nose. Their lips were brushing…

  “Not even a blowjob?”

  Naomi pressed herself sexily against Corey’s hard, muscular body. She could feel the heat coming off of him. Sense her husband’s excitement, boiling just below the surface. She slid a hand between them and grabbed the bulge in his pants.

  “I can bring you off in my mouth,” she said sexily. “You don’t even have to do anything… just stand there and enjoy it.”

  She gave him a gentle squeeze. Corey’s pupils were dilated, his eyes unfocused. He even gulped. But eventually, he pushed her hand away
with a gentle sigh.

  “It’s tempting,” he admitted. “But I’m still waiting until afterward. I’ll be saving every drop for when you get back…”

  Naomi leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “What if I don’t get back until tomorrow?”

  Her husband shrugged. “You’re still gonna get it.”

  She shivered with pleasure, thinking about his words. How would he react afterward? Would he still be this hot for her, knowing she’d been taken by someone else? Even hotter?

  How’s it going to feel to be used by another man… and then reclaimed by your husband?

  The voice in her head was much different this time around. Much less judgmental. Hell, it sounded almost… mischievous.

  Can he really handle it? she wondered, looking at Corey. What’ll be going through his mind all night as you’re out getting fucked?

  It was her only true worry; that somehow things would change for him once fantasy became reality. It’s one of the reasons she wanted to fuck him right now, or at least bring him off before she left. The last thing Naomi wanted was for her husband to feel left out.


  Down in the driveway a truck horn sounded. Her shivers of anticipation quickly turned into stabs of panic.

  “Oh shit, he’s early.”

  Corey glanced down through the bedroom window. He looked up at his wife and nodded.

  “You ready?”

  Naomi stared back at him and nodded slowly. She didn’t anticipate feeling so nervous! Her heart was practically leaping out of her chest…

  “Here, let me help you out with these.”

  Her husband held up a pair of knee-high, black leather boots. Using his shoulder for leverage, she stepped into them. When she stood up again, she was a good four inches taller. Her legs looked even more incredible than before…

  “Better get going,” he said with a wry grin. “You don’t want to keep your date waiting.”

  Naomi opened her mouth to say something, but then she stopped. She had no words. There was nothing left to say.

  “Damn you look good,” Corey said, pulling her in to him. He gave her one last lingering kiss while squeezing her ass. “Enjoy yourself tonight, and have fun.”